Meet our Angels

​ Honor Llama
<1 pound
Our Llama is named in honor of all babies gone too soon!
St Francis Medical Center in Richmond, VA is stocked in our llama's honor.
Riley Giraffe
1 pound
Our Giraffe is named in honor of Riley Elizabeth Fuller, born sleeping on August 21, 2016, at 24 weeks. She weighed 1 lb 5 oz. Riley is forever loved and remembered by her parents, Lauren and John, and her younger sisters Ellie and Cameron. Riley has a memorial brick in front of the Virginia Zoo where her sisters favorite animal to visit is the giraffes.
Portsmouth Naval Hospital in Portsmouth, VA and Sentara Leigh Hospital in Virginia Beach, VA are stocked in Riley's honor.

Claire Flamingo
2 pounds
Our flamingo is named in honor of Claire Elizabeth Hudgins, born silently on October 15, 2020 at 2:18pm. She weighed 6lbs 4 ounces and was 19.25 inches long. Claire had thick brown hair like her Daddy but other than that, she was her Mama's twin! James and Rebecca chose a flamingo to represent Claire because her nursery theme was flamingos. Flamingos represent beauty, and what a beauty Claire was!
Sentara Princess Anne Hospital is stocked in Claire's honor.
Landon Elephant
3 pounds
Our Elephant is named in honor of Landon Onyx Ballard, born silently into this world on January 6, 2009. He was 3lbs 10oz of gorgeous with his Daddy’s thick black hair and his Momma’s chin. Landon's parents, Kasie and Jorge, chose an elephant to represent their son. Not only is it his mother’s favorite animal, but elephants are also known for their incredible family bonds. It is often said that elephants never forget.
Sentara Williamsburg Regional Medical Center in Williamsburg, VA is stocked in Landon's honor.

Ellett Deer
4 pounds
Our Deer is named in honor of Ellett Gray Crump, born silently into this world on June 26, 2018. Ellett was 4lb 4oz and absolutely perfect in every way. Ellett's parents, Kate and Scott, choose a deer to represent their son since it was his nursery theme. Deer represent gentleness, unconditional love, and grace to cope with challenging situations. Our hope is that our Ellett Deer helps families to be gentle with themselves as they start their healing journey.
St Mary's Medical Center in Richmond, VA is stocked in Ellett's honor.
Sienna Penguin
5 pounds
Our penguin is named in honor of Sienna Grace Midlik, who was born January 16, 2022 and pronounced stillborn during her delivery at 41 weeks. She weighed 8lbs 10oz and had the cutest nose and dark, curly hair. Sienna's parents, Crystal and Steve, chose a penguin to represent Sienna because this was her nursery theme, and penguins bring a reminder of loyalty, devotion, and adaptability.
Mary Immaculate Hospital in Newport News, VA is stocked in Sienna's honor.

Zion Lion
6 pounds
Our Lion is named in honor of Zion Kenneth Louis, who entered the world silently on November 17, 2017, at 39 weeks and 2 days. Zion was 6lb 3oz of perfection, with blonde hair and a nose that matched his four older siblings. Zion’s parents, Taylor and Drew, chose a lion to represent their son. Lions traditionally represent strength and courage and we hope our Zion Lion will help bring those qualities to grieving families.
Henrico Doctors Hospital in Richmond, VA is stocked in Zion's honor.
Finley Bunny
7 pounds​
Our Bunny is named in honor of Finley Ann Berry, born at 38 weeks on April 29, 2017, and weighing 7lb 2oz. Finley had blue eyes and brown hair and looked just like her mom. Finley's parents, Sarah and Jeff, chose a bunny to represent their daughter because Sarah has always liked bunnies and Finley had several in her nursery.
Sentara OBICI in Suffolk, VA is stocked in Finley's honor.

Jasper Tiger
8 pounds
Our Tiger is named after Jasper Michael Glueck. Jasper was born on September 1, 2022 and passed away later the next day. He weighed 7lbs 8oz and had blond hair and blue eyes, just like his mom. Jasper's parents, Kayleigh and Gavin, chose a tiger to represent Jasper because his nursery theme was Winnie the Pooh, so they have come to associate Pooh Bear and his friends with Jasper. Tigger is one of Pooh Bear's best friends and he is full of energy while also having an optimistic and mischievous personality. Tigers also symbolize strength and courage which are necessary qualities when navigating life after child loss.
Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters is stocked in Jasper's honor.
​Laken Sloth
9+ pounds
Our Sloth is named in honor of Laken Ty Anderson, born sleeping at 39 weeks and 5 days, on October 5, 2018. Laken was 9lbs 2oz and looked just like his daddy. Laken's Sloth was actually the first official Weighted Angel. The sloth was chosen because it was the largest animal Kasie could find! Sloths also symbolize enjoying life and caring for others and Laken's parents, Heidi and Daniel, like to think that would have been Laken's personality.
Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk, VA & Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport News, VA are stocked in Laken's honor.

Special Edition Angels
As we embrace change and introduce new symbols of remembrance, our commitment to honoring these beloved angels never wavers. Our special edition angels will forever be cherished, their memory etched into the hearts of families who hold them dear.
In small quantities, they will be distributed and serve as a poignant reminder that though time moves forward, the love for our angel babies transcends all boundaries. These angels will forever be held in love and never forgotten.

Odin Moose
8 pounds
Our Moose is named in honor of Odin Robert Miller, who was born at 40 weeks and 2 days on August 31, 2007, and weighed 8lbs 10oz. He left us quickly after he arrived. Odin's mother Erin chose a moose to represent her son because it is his father’s favorite animal. Moose symbolize life and strength. We hope our Odin Moose will offer grieving parents a glimpse of peace in the storm of pain they are experiencing because they are never alone.
Portsmouth Naval Hospital in Portsmouth, VA is stocked in Odin's honor.
<1 pound

2 pounds
5 pounds